3DS MAX Human Character Modeling - Foot Tutorial
2008-11-07 16:39:10 来源:WEB开发网Figure 21
Step 22
Select the vertex and drop it on the other side of vertex with which you want to weld. To execute the command simply press ‘W’ or right click using your mouse. Add one segment right in the middle part of toe. The resultant image would be as shown below.
Figure 22
Step 23
Now apply turbosmooth and then match with the reference image in the front view and the resultant image would be as shown below. If you are not getting it right, do not worry as you may need to do lot os tweaking with the model and I am confident that you will certainly finish better than what I achieved.
Figure 23
Step 24
Do not forget to save regularly so that you may not be loosing the data due to unavoidable circumstances like power failure of system going blank and not responding. Now let us start modeling the ‘NEXT TOE’ using a box. Enter the values of Length and width segment 2-2 as shown below.