开发学院图形图像3Dmax 3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Cr... 阅读

3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Creating the Face

 2008-11-08 16:38:01 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Here we are going to use a different technique of placing your reference images. You must know at least basic knowledge of Photoshop so that you

Here we are going to use a different technique of placing your reference images. You must know at least basic knowledge of Photoshop so that you can adjust your blueprints properly. I’ve two images, one is the front view and another is the side view. And the resolution of the front image is 721 X 900 while the resolution of the side view image is 720 X 900. We sometimes face problems in the Alt + B (shortcut used for Viewport Background) process of putting your reference images in your background. Sometimes you won’t get your image on grid exactly where you want it to be. Here let us use different technique and just check whether it is ok and start placing the images.

Step 1

Let us go to the front view and create a plane with Length 900 and Width 721 and then let us simply drag and drop the reference image (FRONT) on the plane and the image would be placed on the plane as shown below.

3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Creating the Face

Figure 1

Step 2

After placing the reference image on the front view let us move it back by using move tool. Now let us change the left view to right view (this can be done by going to “Viewport Right click menu” as shown below).

3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Creating the Face

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