3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Creating the Face
2008-11-08 16:38:01 来源:WEB开发网I am assuming that you are using a optical wheel mouse and if not please make sure that you change the old two mouse button to a new optical mouse with wheel, as the wheel is especially useful for number of reasons.
At the right end at the status bar are the buttons that control the display and navigation of the viewports.
Arc Rotate SubObject: Uses the center of the current sub-object selection as the center of the rotation. The selection remains at the same position in the viewport while the view rotates around its center. The shortcut key is to hold down the Alt key + mousewheel click and hold. We would be using Arc Rotate SubObject out of the three Arc rotate types available, as the rotation will not just move around the selected object, as if we are working at sub-object level and for example if we are working on a group of selected edges, it will rotate around the center the selection.