3ds max TutorialsHuman Character Modeling - Creating the Face
2008-11-08 16:38:01 来源:WEB开发网After tweaking with the vertex of the eye, the resultant image should as shown below. If you are not able to get the desired result do not get disappointed as you have spent lots of time while learning modeling in 3ds max application. Keep in mind that, practice makes man perfect and do not forget to practice more time to get the desired result.
Figure 13
Step 14
Now let us attach the eye with the mesh which we created earlier. Select the face part and click on ‘ATTACH’ command and then select the object (EYE) which you want to attach with your selected mesh.
Figure 14
Step 15
Now let us select the corner edges and bridge them as shown below.
Figure 15
Step 16
Now let select border edges of the eye socket object and scale them out as shown below.