开发学院数据库MySQL MySQL备份和同步时使用LVM 阅读


 2007-02-14 10:53:23 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:If someone asks me about MySQL Backup advice my first question would be if they have LVM installed or have some systems with similar features set for other oper

If someone asks me about MySQL Backup advice my first question would be if they have LVM installed or have some systems with similar features set for other operation systems. Veritas File System can do it for Solaris. Most SAN systems would work as well.


What is really needed is ability to create atomic snapshot of the volume, which can be later mounted same as original file system

Why snapshot based MySQL backups are great ?


There are number of reasons:


Almost Hot backup In most cases you can perform this type of backup while your application is running. No need to shut down server, make it read only or anything like it.

几乎是热备 在大多数情况下,可以在应用程序仍在运行的时候执行备份。无需关机,只需设置为只读或者类似只读的限制。

Support for all local disk based storage engines It works with MyISAM and Innodb and BDB, It also should work with Solid, PrimeXT and Falcon storage engines.

支持所有基于本地磁盘的存储引擎 它支持MyISAM, Innodb, BDB,还支持 Solid, PrimeXT 和 Falcon。

Fast Backup You simply do file copy in the binary form so it is hard to beat in speed.

快速备份 只需拷贝二进制格式的文件,在速度方面无以匹敌。

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Tags:MySQL 备份 同步

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