开发学院数据库MySQL MySQL备份和同步时使用LVM 阅读


 2007-02-14 10:53:23 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 在这个步骤中,你有时候会碰到错误,MySQL备份和同步时使用LVM(6),最近我经常碰到的一个是:snapshot: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel -- 意思是内核默认没有加载快照模块,需要你自己加

在这个步骤中,你有时候会碰到错误,最近我经常碰到的一个是:snapshot: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel -- 意思是内核默认没有加载快照模块,需要你自己加载,运行命令 modprobe dm-snapshot 即可。

3) Now you have created logical volume and can unlock the tables, but before that you should probably record binary log position which is done by running SHOW MASTER STATUS - This is binary log position you'll need to point your MySQL Slaves created from this snapshot.

3) 现在已经创建完本地逻辑卷,可以释放表锁了,不过在这之前,需要记录一下二进制日志的位置,运行 SHOW MASTER STATUS 可以看到 -- 这个位置在MySQL slave上创建快照时需要用到。。

4) Snapshot created, now you want to let MySQL Server to continue, which is done by running UNLOCK TABLES or simply closing connection.

4) 快照创建完毕,运行 UNLOCK TABLES 释放锁或者关闭连接,让MySQL服务器继续运行。

5) Mount backup Filesystem: mount /dev/Main/dbbackup /mnt/backup

5) 挂载备份文件系统:mount /dev/Main/dbbackup /mnt/backup

6) Copy data to backup. Normally you can skip slow query logs and error log while taking backup. You also can skip most of binary logs - however if some of your slaves are far behind you might want to keep some of last binary logs just in case, or you can assume in case of recovery from the backup you will need to restore slaves as well and skip binary logs in your backup process.

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Tags:MySQL 备份 同步

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