开发学院手机开发Symbian 开发 symbian 使用http get post方式获取网页信息 阅读

symbian 使用http get post方式获取网页信息

 2010-05-31 19:38:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:symbian里设计用http get post方式获取网页信息需要头文件#include < http.h >#include < chttpformencoder.h >#include < HttpStringConstants.h >#include < httpRHT

symbian里设计用http get post方式获取网页信息


#include < http.h >

#include < chttpformencoder.h >

#include < HttpStringConstants.h >

#include < httpRHTTPTransaction.h >

#include < httpRHTTPSession.h >

#include < httpRHTTPHeaders.h >


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1. /*

2. * ============================================================================

3. * Name : CClientEngine of ClientEngine.cpp

4. * Part of : HTTP Client Example

5. * Created : 06/20/2006 by Zengyang

6. * Version : 2.0

7. * Copyright: NetQin

8. * ============================================================================

9. */

10. #include < avkon.hrh >

11. #include < aknnotewrappers.h >

12. #include < uri8.h >

13. #include < http.h >

14. #include < chttpformencoder.h >

15. #include < HttpStringConstants.h >

16. #include < httpRHTTPTransaction.h >

17. #include < httpRHTTPSession.h >

18. #include < httpRHTTPHeaders.h >

19. #include < HTTPClientExample.rsg >

20. #include < COMMDB.H > //Communications database

21. #include < CDBPREFTABLE.H > //Connection Preferences table

22. #include < CommDbConnPref.h >

23. #include "Client.pan"

24. #include "Client.hrh"

25. #include "ClientEngine.h"

26. // Used user agent for requests

27. _LIT8(KUserAgent, "SimpleClient 1.0");

28. // This client accepts all content types.

29. // (change to e.g. "text/plain" for plain text only)

30. _LIT8(KAccept, "*/*");

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