开发学院操作系统Linux/Unix 系统管理工具包: 监视邮件的使用情况 阅读

系统管理工具包: 监视邮件的使用情况

 2008-11-12 08:29:40 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 在这个示例中,有三个用户出现了极端的情况,系统管理工具包: 监视邮件的使用情况(8),applicants 使用单个邮件文件夹存储其所有的邮件,而 finance 则合理地将其电子邮件分散到不同的文件夹中,并按照电子邮件的日期对其进行组织,每年一个文件夹,以便进行组织,同时

在这个示例中,有三个用户出现了极端的情况。applicants 使用单个邮件文件夹存储其所有的邮件,而 finance 则合理地将其电子邮件分散到不同的文件夹中,以便进行组织。同时,sandra 看上去对电子邮件进行了合理的组织,但是仅使用了一个文件夹来保存她所发送的所有电子邮件。

可能需要向 applicants 和 sandra 提供相关的建议,以指出如何更好地组织他们的电子邮件。但是您是否可以为他们提供帮助呢?


有许多解决方案可以归档和自动地组织电子邮件。其中有些解决方案嵌入到了您的客户端中,有些解决方案嵌入到了邮件服务器中。例如,Cyrus IMAP 服务器附带了 Sieve 系统(请参见参考资料),它可以在电子邮件传递到用户的邮箱时,对其进行自动过滤。


清单 7 显示了一个 Perl 脚本,它可以像客户端那样访问电子邮件文件夹,并处理其中的内容。在这个示例中,该脚本在原始文件夹中创建了一个新的子文件夹结构,并按照电子邮件的日期对其进行组织,每年一个文件夹,并且在其中为每个月创建一个文件夹。

清单 7.根据日期自动地对某个文件夹中的电子邮件进行重新组织

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Mail filter to file mail on a date basis
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
# The IMAP Server
my $Server   = 'imap.example.com';
# The Mailbox we want to filter
my $INBOX   = "Sent-Mail";
# Open the server connection
my $IMAP = Mail::IMAPClient -> new (Server  => $Server,
                  User   => 'user',
                  Password => 'password',);
# Open the mailbox we want to filter
$IMAP->select($INBOX) or die "Couldn't select $INBOX";
# We want to filter every message, so obtain a list of every
# message by the message ID
my @msgids = $IMAP->search("ALL");
# Don't do anything if there's nothing to process
exit(0) if (scalar @msgids == 0);
# Now parse the message contents to determine
# the From, To, Subject and Address of each message
my $parsed = $IMAP->parse_headers(
# Set up some message counters
my $toprocess = scalar @msgids;
my $processed = 0;
my $counter = 0;
# Process each message
foreach my $msgid (keys %{$parsed})
  # Extract the date, and build a new folder path
  # The new path will split up emails first by
  # year and then by month, all as subfolders
  # of the current folder
  my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) =
  # Try another date if the first one couldn't be identified
  if (!defined($year))
    ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) =
  # default to 2004 if we can't find a year
  if (!defined($year))
     $year = 2004;
  # Make some assumptions about the year
  # Occasionally a date will contain only two digits
  # So assume it's either in the year 2000, or 1990+
  $year += 2000 if ($year <10);
  $year += 1900 if (($year >90) && ($year <= 200));
  $year = 2004 if $year <= 1990;
  $month += 1;
  # Construct the new folder path
  my $destfolder = sprintf('%s/%s/%02d',$INBOX,$year,$month);
  # Grab the entire message
  my $Message = $IMAP -> message_string($msgid);
  # Try to change to the destination folder,
  # or create it if we couldn't select the folder
  my $selectstat = $IMAP->select($destfolder);
  unless ($selectstat)
  # Go back to the Inbox so that we select the right message
  # next time round
  # Add the original message to the new folder
  my $AppendStatus = $IMAP -> append_string($destfolder,$Message);
  # When you add a message to a folder, the message
  # is marked as unread, so mark all the messages
  # in the folder as read by reading them
  my @unseenMIDs = $IMAP->unseen();
  foreach my $MID (@unseenMIDs)
  # Go back to the original folder, and delete the message
  # if it was successfully moved
  if ($AppendStatus)
    $IMAP -> delete_message($msgid);
# Print out a summary of what we achieved
printf("Processed %5d out of %5d msgsr",$counter,$toprocess);
# Make sure we clean out the folder where we deleted messages
# and then disconnect

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