2000-08-25 10:51:58 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:1.Array() FUNCTION: Returns a variant containing an array. SYNTAX: Array(list) ARGUMENTS: list is a comma-delimited list of values to add to the array. EXAMPLE:
FUNCTION: Returns a variant containing an array.
SYNTAX: Array(list)
ARGUMENTS: list is a comma-delimited list of values to add to the array.
Dim myArray()
For i = 1 to 7
Redim PReserve myArray(i)
myArray(i) = WeekdayName(i)
RESULT: Creates an Array contains 7 elements:
myArray("Sunday","Monday", ... ... "Saturday")
2. CInt()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression that has been converted to an Interget subtype.
SYNTAX: CInt(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression
f = "234"
response.write cINT(f) + 2
Converts string "234" to mathematic value 234.
If f is empty (un-initialized variable), cINT() returns 0.
3. CreateObject()
FUNCTION: Creates and returns a reference to ActiveX automation object.
SYNTAX: CreateObject(objName)
ARGUMENTS: objName is any valid ActiveX automation object.
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
4. CStr()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression that has been converted to a variant of subtype String.
SYNTAX: CStr(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression
s = 3 + 2
response.write "The result is: " & cStr(s)
RESULT: Converts a mathematic value 5 to a string "5".
5. Date()
FUNCTION: Returns the current system date.
SYNTAX: Date()
EXAMPLE: <%=Date%>
RESULT: 8/4/99
6. DateAdd()
FUNCTION: Returns a date to which a specific time interval has been added.
SYNTAX: DateAdd(timeinterval,number,date)
ARGUMENTS: timeinterval is the time interval to add; number is amount of time intervals to add; and date
is the starting date.
currentDate = #8/4/99#
newDate = DateAdd("m",3,currentDate)
response.write newDate
currentDate = #12:34:45 PM#
newDate = DateAdd("h",3,currentDate)
response.write newDate
RESULT: 11/4/99
3:34:45 PM
"m" = "month";
"d" = "day";
If currentDate is in time format then,
"h" = "hour";
"s" = "second";
7. DateDiff()
FUNCTION: Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
SYNTAX: DateDiff(timeinterval,date1,date2 [, firstdayofweek [, firstweekofyear]])
ARGUMENTS: timeinterval is the time interval to add; date is a valid date expression; firstdayofweek and
firstweekofyear are optional values to specify the first day of the week and first week of year.
fromDate = #8/4/99#
toDate = #1/1/2000#
response.write "There are " & _
DateDiff("d",fromDate,toDate) & _
" days to millenium from 8/4/99."
RESULT: There are 150 days to millenium from 8/4/99.
8. Day()
FUNCTION: Returns a whole number representing the day of the month.
SYNTAX: Day(date)
ARGUMENTS: date is any valid date expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=Day(#8/4/99#)%>
9. FormatCurrency()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a currency value.
SYNTAX: FormatCurrency(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatCurrency(34.3456)%>
RESULT: $34.35
10. FormatDateTime()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
SYNTAX: FormatDateTime(Date, [, NamedFormat])
ARGUMENTS: Date is any valid date expression, and NamedFormat is an optional date/time constant.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatDateTime("08/4/99", vbLongDate)%>
RESULT: Wednesday, August 04, 1999
10. FormatNumber()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a number.
SYNTAX: FormatNumber(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatNumber(45.324567, 3)%>
RESULT: 45.325
11. FormatPercent()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a percent value with a trailing percent (%)
SYNTAX: FormatPercent(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatPercent(0.45267, 3)%>
RESULT: 45.267%
12. Hour()
FUNCTION: Returns a whole number representing the hour of the day between 0 and 23.
SYNTAX: Hour(time)
ARGUMENTS: time is any valid date/time expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=Hour(#4:45:34 PM#)%>
(Hour has been converted to 24-hour system)
13. Instr()
FUNCTION: Returns the numeric position of the first instance of one string within another.
SYNTAX: Instr([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare])
ARGUMENTS: start (optional) is the numeric position to start the string search; strToBeSearched is the
string expression to be searched; strSearchFor is the string expression search value; and compare
(optional) is the value indicating the comparison constant.
strText = "This is a test!!"
pos = Instr(strText, "a")
response.write pos
(string "a" is the 9th character in strText)
14. InstrRev()
FUNCTION: Returns the numeric position of one string within another starting from the end of the string.
SYNTAX: InstrRev([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare])
ARGUMENTS: start (optional) is the numeric position to start the string search; strToBeSearched is the
string expression to be searched; strSearchFor is the string expression search value; and compare
(optional) is the value indicating the comparison constant.
strText = "This is a test!!"
pos = InstrRev(strText, "s")
response.write pos
(string "s" is the 13th character of strText if you search from the end of the strText)
15. Int()
FUNCTION: Returns the integer portion of a number
SYNTAX: Int(number)
ARGUMENTS: number is any valid numeric expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=INT(32.89)%>
(If cINT() is used instead, the result will be 33)
16. IsArray()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.
SYNTAX: IsArray(name)
ARGUMENTS: name is the variable to be determined.
strTest = "Test!"
response.write IsArray(strTest)
17. IsDate()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the expression can be converted to a date.
SYNTAX: IsDate(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
strTest = "8/4/99"
response.write IsDate(strTest)
18. IsEmpty()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
SYNTAX: IsEmpty(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
Dim i
response.write IsEmpty(i)
19. IsNull()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value that indicates whether an expression contains no valid datatype.
SYNTAX: IsNull(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
Dim i
response.write IsNull(i)
20. IsNumeric()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether an expression can be evaluated as a number.
SYNTAX: IsNumeric(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
i = "345"
response.write IsNumeric(i)
(Even if there are quotation marks around 345, which indicates datatype of string, IsNumeric() function
will still try to convert a string to numeric value first)
FUNCTION: Returns a variant containing an array.
SYNTAX: Array(list)
ARGUMENTS: list is a comma-delimited list of values to add to the array.
Dim myArray()
For i = 1 to 7
Redim PReserve myArray(i)
myArray(i) = WeekdayName(i)
RESULT: Creates an Array contains 7 elements:
myArray("Sunday","Monday", ... ... "Saturday")
2. CInt()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression that has been converted to an Interget subtype.
SYNTAX: CInt(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression
f = "234"
response.write cINT(f) + 2
Converts string "234" to mathematic value 234.
If f is empty (un-initialized variable), cINT() returns 0.
3. CreateObject()
FUNCTION: Creates and returns a reference to ActiveX automation object.
SYNTAX: CreateObject(objName)
ARGUMENTS: objName is any valid ActiveX automation object.
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
4. CStr()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression that has been converted to a variant of subtype String.
SYNTAX: CStr(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression
s = 3 + 2
response.write "The result is: " & cStr(s)
RESULT: Converts a mathematic value 5 to a string "5".
5. Date()
FUNCTION: Returns the current system date.
SYNTAX: Date()
EXAMPLE: <%=Date%>
RESULT: 8/4/99
6. DateAdd()
FUNCTION: Returns a date to which a specific time interval has been added.
SYNTAX: DateAdd(timeinterval,number,date)
ARGUMENTS: timeinterval is the time interval to add; number is amount of time intervals to add; and date
is the starting date.
currentDate = #8/4/99#
newDate = DateAdd("m",3,currentDate)
response.write newDate
currentDate = #12:34:45 PM#
newDate = DateAdd("h",3,currentDate)
response.write newDate
RESULT: 11/4/99
3:34:45 PM
"m" = "month";
"d" = "day";
If currentDate is in time format then,
"h" = "hour";
"s" = "second";
7. DateDiff()
FUNCTION: Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
SYNTAX: DateDiff(timeinterval,date1,date2 [, firstdayofweek [, firstweekofyear]])
ARGUMENTS: timeinterval is the time interval to add; date is a valid date expression; firstdayofweek and
firstweekofyear are optional values to specify the first day of the week and first week of year.
fromDate = #8/4/99#
toDate = #1/1/2000#
response.write "There are " & _
DateDiff("d",fromDate,toDate) & _
" days to millenium from 8/4/99."
RESULT: There are 150 days to millenium from 8/4/99.
8. Day()
FUNCTION: Returns a whole number representing the day of the month.
SYNTAX: Day(date)
ARGUMENTS: date is any valid date expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=Day(#8/4/99#)%>
9. FormatCurrency()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a currency value.
SYNTAX: FormatCurrency(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatCurrency(34.3456)%>
RESULT: $34.35
10. FormatDateTime()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
SYNTAX: FormatDateTime(Date, [, NamedFormat])
ARGUMENTS: Date is any valid date expression, and NamedFormat is an optional date/time constant.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatDateTime("08/4/99", vbLongDate)%>
RESULT: Wednesday, August 04, 1999
10. FormatNumber()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a number.
SYNTAX: FormatNumber(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatNumber(45.324567, 3)%>
RESULT: 45.325
11. FormatPercent()
FUNCTION: Returns an expression formatted as a percent value with a trailing percent (%)
SYNTAX: FormatPercent(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]])
ARGUMENTS: Expression is a valid numeric expression; Digit is an optional numeric value used to indicate
number of digits to the right of the decimal point; LeadingDigit is an optional tristate value to display
a leading zero; Paren is an optional tristate value used to display parentheses around negative values;
and GroupDigit is an option tristate value used to display a number as specified in the group delimiter
settings of the Control Panel's regional settings.
EXAMPLE: <%=FormatPercent(0.45267, 3)%>
RESULT: 45.267%
12. Hour()
FUNCTION: Returns a whole number representing the hour of the day between 0 and 23.
SYNTAX: Hour(time)
ARGUMENTS: time is any valid date/time expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=Hour(#4:45:34 PM#)%>
(Hour has been converted to 24-hour system)
13. Instr()
FUNCTION: Returns the numeric position of the first instance of one string within another.
SYNTAX: Instr([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare])
ARGUMENTS: start (optional) is the numeric position to start the string search; strToBeSearched is the
string expression to be searched; strSearchFor is the string expression search value; and compare
(optional) is the value indicating the comparison constant.
strText = "This is a test!!"
pos = Instr(strText, "a")
response.write pos
(string "a" is the 9th character in strText)
14. InstrRev()
FUNCTION: Returns the numeric position of one string within another starting from the end of the string.
SYNTAX: InstrRev([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare])
ARGUMENTS: start (optional) is the numeric position to start the string search; strToBeSearched is the
string expression to be searched; strSearchFor is the string expression search value; and compare
(optional) is the value indicating the comparison constant.
strText = "This is a test!!"
pos = InstrRev(strText, "s")
response.write pos
(string "s" is the 13th character of strText if you search from the end of the strText)
15. Int()
FUNCTION: Returns the integer portion of a number
SYNTAX: Int(number)
ARGUMENTS: number is any valid numeric expression.
EXAMPLE: <%=INT(32.89)%>
(If cINT() is used instead, the result will be 33)
16. IsArray()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.
SYNTAX: IsArray(name)
ARGUMENTS: name is the variable to be determined.
strTest = "Test!"
response.write IsArray(strTest)
17. IsDate()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the expression can be converted to a date.
SYNTAX: IsDate(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
strTest = "8/4/99"
response.write IsDate(strTest)
18. IsEmpty()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
SYNTAX: IsEmpty(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
Dim i
response.write IsEmpty(i)
19. IsNull()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value that indicates whether an expression contains no valid datatype.
SYNTAX: IsNull(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
Dim i
response.write IsNull(i)
20. IsNumeric()
FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether an expression can be evaluated as a number.
SYNTAX: IsNumeric(expression)
ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
i = "345"
response.write IsNumeric(i)
(Even if there are quotation marks around 345, which indicates datatype of string, IsNumeric() function
will still try to convert a string to numeric value first)
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