2009-05-22 17:08:19 来源:WEB开发网使用photoshop或者是fireworks等制图工具将网站的效果图设计出来,需要具备掌握设计软件操作,色彩搭配,等基本功。下图是利用Photoshop制作的简洁型网站模版。
1)Open a new document with the sizes 1300 x 1500 pixels and draw a linear gradient #e2e4e4 to #d7d9d9.
2)Create a new layer and make a rectangular selection with fixed size 1300 by 10 pixels. Fill the selection with the color #3e4141. Place this layer inside a folder, and change the name of the folder into Header. Here we are going to put all the header elements.
3)Create a new layer inside the Header folder and make a selection with the fixed size 250 x 50 pixels. Go to Select > Modify > Smooth and add a value of 3 pixels. Select Type Tool and write the name of the site (the font which I used is called Futura). Open Layer Style window and use the settings from the next images.