2009-05-22 17:08:19 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 4)Create a new layer inside the Header folder, make a selection with the fixed size 645 x 35 pixels and fill it with a gradient #b8b2b2 to #d0cbc
4)Create a new layer inside the Header folder, make a selection with the fixed size 645 x 35 pixels and fill it with a gradient #b8b2b2 to #d0cbcb. Select Type Tool and write the names of the pages, then copy the layer style from the text you have written on the step three. Now we are done with the header.
5)Go to View > Rulers and draw some guides like those from the next image.
6)Create a new folder, name it Featured post and create a new layer inside this folder. Draw a rectangle like the one from the next image fill it with any color, then open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the image.