2009-05-22 17:08:19 来源:WEB开发网图片看不清楚?请点击这里查看原图(大图)。
7)Place an image inside the ‘featured post’ folder. I used a vector from Write the title of a post using the font Verdana, the size 25 pixels and the color #373633. Write the content of the post with the same font, the size 16 pixels and the color #787876.
8)Now we are going to create a ‘Continue reading’ button. Make a rectangular selection, fill it with any color, open the Layer Style Window and use the settings from the next image. Write Continue reading above the button.
9)Create a new layer, make a rectangle selection and fill it with any color. Copy the layer style from the big rectangle layer and paste it on the small rectangle layer. Move the rectangle in the right corner of the big rectangle and set the opacity to 50%. Write the text Featured Post above the small rectangle.