3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutorial
2008-11-07 16:38:49 来源:WEB开发网9. Finally, move road object along vertical axis. You need to move it down a little bit. Finally, change road object color to grey
This is the last section of Cartoon Landscape tutorial. After you created hilly surface in Part 1 and projected road in Part 2 tutorial, now you are going to create trees, a lot of trees covering whole landscape.
1.We will create simple tree by using sphere and cylinder. Create them in Top viewport using parameters below. Position both object to create tree (sphere for leaves, and cylinder for trunk). When finished, convert one object, sphere or cylinder, into Editable Poly. Go to Modify tab. In Edit Geometry rollout, click Attach, then click another object in viewport to combine them as one object.
2. Next, we need to specify different material for leaves and trunk. Activate Element selection. Select leaves (sphere) and in Polygon properties input Set ID=1. Select trunk (cylinder) and enter Set ID=2. After you input each ID, don't forget to press Enter in keyboard. When finished, turn off Element selection.