开发学院图形图像3Dmax 3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutoria... 阅读

3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutorial

 2008-11-07 16:38:49 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 3. Alternatively, you can apply Noise modifier to create landscape. Select Noise from Modifier List. In Parameters rollout, activate Fractal to m

3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutorial

3. Alternatively, you can apply Noise modifier to create landscape. Select Noise from Modifier List. In Parameters rollout, activate Fractal to make noise effect more random, and increase vertical strength (Z) = 50. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can try to change Seed value. By changing Seed, you can have other shape for landscape.

3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutorial

4. Finally, you can add Camera to the scene. Activate one viewport for camera view (press C in keyboard).

3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax Tutorial

3DS MAX Cartoon Landscape using 3dsmax TutorialAfter you have created hilly surface in Part 1 tutorial, you are going to add road. The problem is you need to fit the road based on landscape surface. Don't worry, 3dsmax have specific tool for this job. You will have no difficulties creating the road.

1.Continue your previous lesson. Go to Create>Shapes tab. In drop down list, choose Splines. Then, click Line button. In Creation Method rollout, choose Initial Type = Smooth and Drag Type = Bezier. In Top viewport, you can create any line you want. You only have to make sure about two things. First: Don't create line beyond the Patch Grid (landscape). Second: Don't create line with sharp corner. If you create closed spline, just click start point to end. For open spline, right click to finish creating line.

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