Oracle 10g下载版和license版的不同
2007-05-05 12:02:08 来源:WEB开发网Oracle Database Licensing Information 10g
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control is designed for managing a single database, which can be either a single instance or a cluster database. The following premium functionality contained within this release of Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control is available only with an Oracle license:
Database Diagnostics Pack
Performance Monitoring (Database and Host)
ADDM (Automated Database Diagnostic Monitor)
Automatic Workload Repository
Event Notifications: Notification Methods, Rules and Schedules
Event history/metric history (Database and Host)
Database Tuning Pack
SQL Access Advisor
SQL Tuning Advisor
SQL Tuning Sets
Reorganize Objects
Configuration Management Pack
Database and Host Configuration
Patch Database and View Patch Cache
Patch staging
Clone Database
Clone Oracle Home
Search configuration
Compare configuration
For a detailed description of this functionality and where it can be used within the product refer to the Oracle Database Licensing Information 10g document.
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