开发学院软件开发Java ydb的内存模型 阅读


 2009-09-10 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:阿宝同学推荐了这个东西,因此周末就大概看了下源码,ydb的内存模型,这里就简要的分析下它的实现,下面是他的特性,从而得到当前的数据,它的存储是类似log, 项目地址在这里: http://code.google.com/p/ydb/ 引用# YDB is a key-value storage library. # S





# YDB is a key-value storage library.
# Simple API, only 6 methods (open, close, sync, get, set, del).
# The data files are append-only (aka: log or journal).
# As the data files are immutable it's rsync-friendly (though index is mutable, but should be reasonably small)
# Index is stored in the memory and rarely dumped to the disk.
# As the index is in memory, GET requests need at most one disk-seek.
# SET request requires at most one disk-seek to write the data. On average the cost is 0 disk seeks, due to append-only file structure and operating system write caches.
# It's spinning-disk friendly: it's optimized to take an advantage the fast sequential access to the disk.
# it's flash-disk friendly: data is never modified, so there's no need to read-clear-write flash sectors.
# Once in a while the garbage-collector is started to remove old log files to save disk space. This can slow down the db up to two times.


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Tags:ydb 内存 模型

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