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 2008-04-29 09:33:49 来源:WEB开发网   


;  Serial communications port interupt intercepter    AHA 8502.27
;  Functions:
;  al=0 then Disable communications interupt vector
;  al=1 then Enable communications interupt vector
;  Issue and int 44h
progseg segment para public 'CODE'
  public  setcom
  assume  cs:progseg, ds:progseg, es:progseg
  org  100h
doscall equ  21h
startup proc  far
  jmp  setup
setcom  proc  far
  push  ds
  push  es
  push  dx
  push  ax
  mov  ax,cs
  mov  ds,ax
  mov  es,ax
  pop  ax
  cmp  al,1    ;is function 1
  jz  enable    ;then enable
  mov  dx,offset interupt ;get new vector address
  mov  ax,cs
  mov  ds,ax    ;set segment
  mov  ah,25h    ;set interupt vector address function
  mov  al,14h    ;communications interupt vector
  int  doscall   ;set the interupt
  jmp  exit    ;exit
  mov  dx,word ptr vector   ;set old segment
  mov  ds,vector+2  ;set old communications vector
  mov  ah,25h    ;set interupt vector address function
  mov  al,14h    ;communications interupt vector
  int  doscall
  pop  dx
  pop  es
  pop  ds
interupt    proc  far
  sub  ax,ax    ;zero return status
interupt    endp
setcom  endp
msg  db  'Serial communications intercepter installed',0ah,0dh,'$'
msg1  db  'Serial communications intercepter is already installed',0ah,0dh,'$'
vector  db  8 dup(0)  ;only 4 needed 4 more for safety
  mov  ah,35h    ;get interupt vector address function
  mov  al,44h    ;communications interupt vector
  int  doscall   ;go get it
  cmp  bx,0    ;check if vector used
  jnz  lderr    ;if used then exit
  mov  ax,es    ;check segment
  cmp  ax,0
  jnz  lderr
  mov  dx,offset msg
  mov  ah,9
  int  doscall
  mov  ah,35h    ;get interupt vector address function
  mov  al,14h    ;communications interupt vector
  int  doscall   ;go get it
  mov  word ptr vector,bx   ;save offset
  mov  bx,es    ;get segment address
  mov  word ptr vector+2,bx   ;save segment
  mov  dx,offset setcom ;get new vector address
  mov  ax,cs
  mov  ds,ax    ;set segment
  mov  ah,25h    ;set interupt vector address function
  mov  al,44h    ;set to our new interupt vector
  int  doscall   ;set the interupt
  mov  dx,offset setup ;terminate and stay resident
  int  27h
  mov  dx,offset msg1
  mov  ah,9
  int  doscall
  int  20h
startup endp
progseg ends
  end  startup

Tags:汇编 源码 系列

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