2008-01-05 09:28:39 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:Hibernate投入JBoss怀抱 今天一大早,“那个叫TSS的大泥潭”已经开了锅,Hibernate投入JBoss怀抱,而故事的焦点一如既往地是JBoss,JBoss的首席体系结构师Bill Burke公布:闻名的O/R映射框架Hibernate正式加入了JBoss家族,Hibernate不会停止提供免费文档,也不
今天一大早,“那个叫TSS的大泥潭”已经开了锅,而故事的焦点一如既往地是JBoss。JBoss的首席体系结构师Bill Burke公布:闻名的O/R映射框架Hibernate正式加入了JBoss家族,Hibernate的主要作者Gavin King成为JBoss Group的成员。
Bill Burke在一封公开信中说,JBoss一直在寻找替代CMP entity bean的持久化解决方案,而基于POJO和AOP的Hibernate是他们梦寐以求的。他表示,Hibernate将成为JBoss最主要的持久化基础设施。
随后,Gavin King也发表了一封公开信。他在信中表示,Hibernate过去只是作者业余时间的作品,加入JBoss之后,“专业Open Source”的运作方式将使Hibernate得到更好的发展。由于受到JBoss的垂青,Hibernate甚至有希望成为J2EE应用程序持久化解决方案的事实标准。另外,Gavin King承诺:在提供更优质的软件和收费服务的同时,Hibernate不会停止提供免费文档,也不会绑定在JBoss上。
下面是Gavin King列出的此次合并的意义。此事件全文请看:http://www.theserverside.com/home/thread.jsp?thread_id=21482
What this means for Hibernate users
* more resources for Hibernate development
* able to buy PRofessional training / commercial support
* assurance that the Hibernate project continues to exist and grow
What the means for the Hibernate team
* a chance to make some money :)
* Gavin gets his life back (maybe)
* no longer have to beg and scrounge for money for things like domains
What this means for the Hibernate project
* more developers
* Hibernate will be distributed with JBoss application server
* lots more users
* an easier "sell" to management types
* we get a marketing team!
What this means for the JBoss project
* JBoss will use Hibernate as backbone of CMP layer
* Hibernate will complement JBoss AOP, being a POJO-oriented persistence layer
What this means for JBoss Group
* JBoss gets a great persistence engine!
* lends credibility to jboss.org as an umbrella for more than just the appserver project
* JBoss is able to sell Hibernate training and support
What it does NOT mean
* Hibernate will not become dependent upon JBoss! It is a central goal of the project to remain platform independant!
* you will not have to start paying for documentation
* we will not stop giving great support in the forums
* Hibernate will not be "swallowed" into the JBoss project; it remains a seperate project, now affiliated with jboss.org and supported by JBoss Group
* our central goals do not change: we remain committed to building the killer ORM implementation for java!
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