开发学院WEB开发Jsp PowerFolder 工作流服务器版本0.5 试驾之旅(2) 阅读

PowerFolder 工作流服务器版本0.5 试驾之旅(2)

 2008-01-05 20:19:32 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:Test Drives 试驾之旅 2.1 PRint10Test 打印10次测试 2.1.1 Situation 情况This is a simple test equivalent to the perennial 'Hello World' program found in many tutoria

Test Drives 试驾之旅
 2.1 PRint10Test 打印10次测试
 2.1.1 Situation 情况
This is a simple test equivalent to the perennial 'Hello World' program found in many tutorials.
The goal is to count from 0 to 9 and print the result to the screen.
这是一个简单的测试,与常见的在许多向导中的"Hello World"程序等价。目的在于

 2.1.2 Preparation预备 Overview 概述

1) If the PowerFolder Server has not been started, start it now.
2) Log into the PowerFolder Console
3) Undeploy all scripts and web pages
4) Deploy the following script and web pages.

1) 假如PowerFolder服务器没有启动,那么启动它。
2) 登录进入PowerFolder控制台
3) 卸载所有脚本和Web页面
4) 发布下面的脚本和Web页面
- Print10Times

Web Pages:
- StartPrint10Times

- StartPrint10Times How-To 怎样做
- Starting the PowerFolder Server. If you configured environment variable 'java_HOME'
during installation, just double-click 'run_with_tomcat.bat' in Windows EXPlorer. Otherwise,
open a command console and make sure the environment variable 'JAVA_HOME' is set to base
Directory of the Java installation. Start the PowerFolder server by going to the directory then go
to the 'jboss' subdirectory then again go to the 'bin' subdirectory. Run program

- Logging into the PowerFolder Console. Open a web browser and go to the address
'http://localhost:8080/powerfolder/login'. Enter 'admin' for the user name and passWord, then
press 'Login'.

- Undeploying scripts and web pages. To undeploy scripts, from the PowerFolder Console open
'Administer' then open 'Scripts'. Check the boxes next to the scripts you want to undeploy under
the section 'Deployed Scripts' then click 'Remove Checked Scripts'. To undeploy web pages,
from the PowerFolder Console open 'Administer' then open 'Web Pages'. Check the boxes next
to the web pages you want to undeploy under the section 'Deployed Web Pages' then click
'Remove Checked Web Pages'.

Tags:PowerFolder 工作流 服务器

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