开发学院WEB开发Jsp Hibernate 3.2.0.CR1 发布 阅读

Hibernate 3.2.0.CR1 发布

 2008-01-05 18:26:53 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Hibernate 3.2.0.CR1 发布了..同时还有Annotations 3.1beta9 和 EntityManager 3.1beta7..Hibernate Annotations 和 Hibernate EntityManager都是基于Hibernate 3.2之后

  Hibernate 3.2.0.CR1 发布了..

  同时还有Annotations 3.1beta9 和 EntityManager 3.1beta7..Hibernate Annotations 和 Hibernate EntityManager都是基于Hibernate 3.2之后的特性..

  CR版本, 意味着Candidate for Release , 也就是正式版发布前的版本...


  Hibernate 3.2 brings better behavior regarding in-transaction and out-of-transaction Operations (alignment with EJB3), add the ability to add some result transformation to any kind of Hibernate query (Criteria, HQL and SQL), optimized connection handling during flush, pluggable bytecode libraries, consistency regarding collection fetching in conjunction with DISTINCT or setMaxResult().


Tags:Hibernate CR 发布

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