2009-06-27 15:55:50 来源:WEB开发网 銆�

Select the Pen Tool from the Tools on the left. It’s easier if you zoom in to your image and start to create a new work path by plotting Anchor points along the outline of your subject.
Once you have closed the workpath, go to Paths tab and you will see your newly created workpath there. Ctrl-click on the workpath layer to load selection. Select > Inverse to select the area outside the subject. Press Delete. 第2种方法:抽出滤镜
Open up your image and go to Filter > Extract. A new interface will appear. Select the Edge Highlighter tool with an appropriate size, draw along the outline of your subject. It does not have to be very accurate.
Get the Fill tool to fill within the highlighted outline you drew earlier. Click on Preview button. Hit OK if you are satisfied else redo highlighting th edges. 第三种方法:图层蒙版
Select the layer of the subject and click on Add Layer Mask. You will see a white box appear on the layer tab. Select Brush tool of an appropriate size and color #000000, start painting the areas outside of the subject. Things to note are, #000000 is to hide and #FFFFFF is to reveal details.
This method is very forgiving by toggling between these two colors. 第四种方法:魔术棒
This is a very fast form of extraction provided the background is of similar colors. Select the Magic Wand tool on the left and click on any part of the background that you wish to remove.
You may try different values on the Tolerance. Once you selected the whole background, press Delete. 方法5:套索工具
This is similar to Pen tool except that no work path is created during the process.
Select Polygonal Lasso tool and start to point along the edges of the subject. Double-click on the left mouse button once you are ready to close the selection.
Select > Inverse. Press Delete.