PS Quickie! Your Own Crazy Movie Poster
2009-06-12 15:39:03 来源:WEB开发网Hooooo!So anyone who knows me knows that I love movies. That said, I recently was overcome with inspiration when I saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean Posters. They are pretty sick.
When you look at the POTC Posters (That will be Pirates of the Caribbean and NOT Passion of the Christ from here know you were thinking it!) they all follow a general theme: A collage of imagery along the bottom, a bunch of enormously large heads along the top, and the classic parchment paper logo with a title slapped across it. Oh and some hot chick but we wont be using one of those for this. Boo.
After staring at the posters a few minutes, I decided to see if the movie poster could be achieved with normal everyday photos you'd find out on the "internets".
OK! Let's begin....
Here's what you'll need: