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开发学院图形图像PhotoShop How to Create a Slice of Nature Photo Manipula... 阅读

How to Create a Slice of Nature Photo Manipulation

 2009-10-28 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注杨恒飞的微博
核心提示:Today I'm going to show you how to put together a complex tree illustration. The idea for this tutorial is to show a workflow from concept to finish, not ju

Today I'm going to show you how to put together a complex tree illustration. The idea for this tutorial is to show a workflow from concept to finish, not just so you can copy this illustration, but so that you can take the ideas behind it and use them for any design you have. It's not just the finished design but the process we are after.

All of this was accomplished on a pretty standard system with Adobe Photoshop CS3 and a cheap Logitech mouse. No cinema display, no tablet (mine died and I haven't yet replaced it), and no fancy filters or add-ons. Anyways enough with the chit-chat—let's get down to business!

Final Image Preview

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How to Create a Slice of Nature Photo Manipulation


Before Getting Started

Writer's always say that ideas are a dime a dozen — it's the execution that counts. The same holds true with designs, especially illustrations. But the idea is important, without it nothing else happens.

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