How to Create a Slice of Nature Photo Manipulation
2009-10-28 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网图片看不清楚?请点击这里查看原图(大图)。
Once you're done carefully painting in your mask, it's time for some touch-up work. When you use a system like this the selection is never going to be perfect. The only real solution is to go through with a small brush and touch up any imperfections.
As you can see, I used a hot pink background layer below my tree so that it is easy to see where I have missed on the mask. I usually use a three layer system: 1 high contrast (usually hot pink because nothing in nature is usually hot pink), 1 white, and 1 black. This way I can turn on and off the various backgrounds to make sure that the final product looks good.
After the mask is completed, you can use the mask to select the object and drop it into your composition. Simply Command-click on the mask in the layers palette to make a selection. Then click on the main tree in the layers palette, and either Edit > Copy or Command + C to copy. Go to you main composition and Edit > Paste or Command + V to paste it.
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