开发学院图形图像Illustrator Create a Silhouette Logo for a Steak House Res... 阅读

Create a Silhouette Logo for a Steak House Restaurant in Adobe Illustrator

 2008-11-05 14:45:56 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Select the Type Tool again and click anywhere on the Artboard. Change the Font Size to 65pt and type “STEAKS”. Once again, align this

Select the Type Tool again and click anywhere on the Artboard. Change the Font Size to 65pt and type “STEAKS”.

Once again, align this text to the center of the Artboard and nudge it below “Lone Star”.

Once you are pleased with your text placement, select both lines of texts individually and, from the Type menu option, select Create Outlines. (Note: This will change your type into vector artwork and it will no longer be editable text.)

Select both lines of text and, from the Objects menu option, select Group.

Now your logo is beginning to take shape. We are going to add a “star” to the center of the longhorn mark to further play up the Texas and Western themes. Select the Star Tool from the Tools Palette and set the Fill color to white and the Stroke to none. From the center guide, hold Option and Shift simultaneously to create a perfectly centered 5 point star. Once you are satisfied with the placement of the star, select it and the longhorn shape and group them together. (Note: I have optionally created highlights for the ears that are not covered in, nor necessary for, this tutorial.)

Create a Silhouette Logo for a Steak House Restaurant in Adobe Illustrator

And there you have a custom created logo concept. Play around with this technique and see the endless possibilities you can come up with creating silhouettes using the Pen and Pathfinder Tools. If you are having difficulties with the Pen Tool, keep practicing. A lot of it really is trial by error.

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