Create a Silhouette Logo for a Steak House Restaurant in Adobe Illustrator
2008-11-05 14:45:56 来源:WEB开发网Select your new shape and click on the Reflect Tool from the Tools Palette. Make a reference point at the center of the guides. Holding down both Option and Shift simultaneously, rotate and create a duplicate of the shape to form the left portion of the head. Once again, select both shapes and click Add To Shape Area – Expand. The head is complete.
Unlock Layer 1 and delete the photo. You no longer need it.
Step 3: Add type treatment
I have chosen to use the free font, Saddlebag, for this tutorial as it is closest to my hand drawn sketch and it will give my logo the overall Texas/Western theme I would like to achieve. Before we begin, make sure you lock the longhorn shape as we will be moving text around and want to keep the logo mark perfectly centered.
Select Type Tool from the Tools Palette and click anywhere on the Artboard.
Select “Saddlebag Black” from the Character drop down window and set the Font Size to 48pt.
With your Caps Lock on, type “LONE STAR”.
Select your newly typed text with your Selection Tool and align it to the center of the Artboard. Nudge the text so it sits below your logo mark. Make sure you leave enough room between the mark and your text. (Note: I have done some kerning between the characters and this is an optional step.) Deselect this text.
Tags:Create Silhouette Logo
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