开发学院图形图像Flash Flash Decompiler Trillix review 阅读

Flash Decompiler Trillix review

 2009-10-18 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 1 – Redesigning the site making it as close as possible to the original one2 – Decompiling the site and making the required changesYou c

1 – Redesigning the site making it as close as possible to the original one

2 – Decompiling the site and making the required changes

You can imagine the choice and finally I am ready to start the review

Decompiling test

I am testing this tool on the movie you can see at Pure AS3 magnifying effect using Displacement Map Filter.

The interface is just brilliant:

Flash Decompiler Trillix review

you can preview the movie, look at its properties and browsing its assets at the same time.

You can export single images as well as chuncks of codes, but the most interesting feature is the conversion from swf to fla.

And that’s what I did

Do you remember my original library?

Flash Decompiler Trillix review

well, the one created by Flash Decompiler Trillix is even more organized…

Flash Decompiler Trillix review

but the most interesting test is performed on the scripts:

this is the original one:

 package {
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.display.Bitmap;
 import flash.display.BitmapData;
 import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;
 import flash.geom.Point;
 import flash.events.Event;
 public class as3displace extends Sprite {
  // creating a new Bitmap variable
  var the_bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
  // creating a variable to store "malecon" image.
  // notice you MUST specify width and height or you'll get an error
  // 1136: Incorrect number of arguments.  Expected 2.
  var the_image=new malecon(500,373);
  // creating a variable to store the "displace_movie" movieclip
  var the_displace:displace_movie=new displace_movie();
  // creating a point at the upper left corner
  var starting_point:Point=new Point(0,0);
  // creating a 100x100 bitmap data, that will contain the gradient movieclip
  var displacement_map:BitmapData=new BitmapData(100,100,true,0x808080);
  // creating the displacement map filter
  var displacement_filter:DisplacementMapFilter=new DisplacementMapFilter(displacement_map,starting_point,1,2,50,50,"color",0x000000,1);
  public function as3displace() {
   // assigning the "the_image" data (the photo) as bitmapData of "the_bitmap" variable
   // in the displacement map, draw (copy) the content of "the_displace" movieclip
   // (the gradient sphere)
   // placing "the_bitmap" on the stage
   // listener that triggers at every frame
   addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame);
  public function onFrame(e:Event) {
   // changing the starting point of the displacement map filter according to mouse position
   // applying the displacement filter to "the_bitmap" (the photo)

Tags:Flash Decompiler Trillix

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