TileSense: AS3 tile based platform engine
2009-10-20 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 【

It will enable any developer, experienced or amateur, to create dynamic online games at an agile speed with the included Authoring Tools in every release.
At a final stage of development, TileSense will include:
2D and 3D Menu Creation and Management
Automated Intelligent AI
Complete IDE with Full Control of TileSense
Customizable Items
Fully Optimizable Engine
Included Set of Pre-Built Scenery
Multiple Pre-Built Types of Enemies
Over 10 Different Types of Tiles
Parallax and Static Backdrops with Unlimited Amount of Layers
Particle Effects
Static and Dynamic Audio
Tile-Based Level Design
Unlimited Number of Games
At the moment the project just started but Dylan is sharing the source code. I gave a look at it and I have to say the code is well organized, with every asset in its own class.
A must see for everybody willing to learn something about AS3 and platformers.
And here it is an example of the working engine
As usual, use arrow keys to move and spacebar to jump.
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