3ds max Tutorials Human Character Modeling - Hand
2008-11-08 16:36:10 来源:WEB开发网
Figure 2.
Step 3
Now click OK and go to Front View and do the same thing as we did before to import image in the top view. Now change the front camera to BACK by right clicking on the FRONT and go into views and select BACK. There’ll be no change in the image. So now when you’ve finally adjusted your images let’s start blocking the palm area first. For this part of tutorial on modeling a hand let us use Box modeling process, which is so far the easiest way of learning modeling. Well, I found it easy for Beginners. Activate your Top view port and if you want to hide the grid simply press G in your keyboard and to unhide the grid again press G key. The most important thing I’d like to tell you guys, please keep saving the data regularly and every time you make changes in your work. Now select box from command panel (Standard Primitives) and start modeling from the top view. I have just placed a box according to my need and then started to add segments. I have added 4 in length and 3 in width of the box as shown below.
Figure 3.