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开发学院数据库Oracle 带排序的oracle分页存储过程 阅读


 2007-05-13 12:30:17 来源:WEB开发网 闁靛棴鎷�闁告垵绻愰惃顒傗偓娑欍仦缂嶏拷濠⒀呭仜閵囧洨鈧稒銇炵紞锟�闁靛棴鎷�  闁稿繗娅曢弫鐐哄级閵婏缚鑸瀣仧濞堟垵顕ラ鐓庤Е
核心提示:输入order by 的sqeuence是,应该为“ desc”或者“ asc”若输入两个order by则,带排序的oracle分页存储过程,v_order_field=" a[sequence] ,order by b "CREATE OR REP

输入order by 的sqeuence是,应该为“ desc”或者“ asc”

若输入两个order by则,v_order_field=" a[sequence] ,order by b "

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TABLEPAGE_SELECT(v_page_size  int, --the size of a page of list
                       v_current_page int, --the current page of list
                       v_table_name varchar2, --the talbe name
                       v_order_field varchar2,--the order field
                       v_order_sequence varchar2,--the order sequence should by "_desc"or "_asc",_is blank.
                       --v_sql_select  varchar2, --the select sql for procedure
                       --v_sql_count  varchar2, --the count sql for procedure
                       --v_out_recordcount OUT int, --the num of return rows
                       p_cursor OUT refcursor_pkg.return_cursor) as
 v_sql     varchar2(3000); --the sql for select all rows of list
 v_sql_count  varchar2(3000); --the count sql for procedure
 v_sql_order  varchar2(2000); --the order of list
 v_count    int; -- the amount rows fo original list
 v_endrownum  int; --the end row num of the current page
 v_startrownum int; --the start row num of the current page
 ----set the order of list
 if v_order_field!='NO' then
  v_sql_order :=' ORDER BY '|| v_order_field ||' '||v_order_sequence;
   v_sql_order :='';
 end if;
 ----catch the amount rows of list
 v_sql_count:='SELECT COUNT(ROWNUM) FROM '||v_table_name;
 execute immediate v_sql_count into v_count;
 -- v_out_recordcount := v_count;
 ----set the value of start and end row
 if v_order_sequence='desc' then
  v_startrownum:=v_endrownum - v_page_size + 1;
  v_endrownum:= v_current_page * v_page_size;
  v_startrownum := v_endrownum - v_page_size + 1;
 end if;
 ----the sql for page slide
 v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT '||v_table_name||'.*, rownum rn FROM '||v_table_name||' WHERE rownum <= ' ||
      to_char(v_endrownum) ||' '|| v_sql_order||') WHERE rn >= ' ||
      to_char(v_startrownum)||' '||v_sql_order;
 open p_cursor for v_sql;

Tags:排序 oracle 存储

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