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开发学院数据库Oracle 在SQL*PLUS用UltraEdit取代NotePad成为默认编辑环... 阅读


 2008-12-17 13:05:59 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注谷汶锴的微博
核心提示:edit the file GLOGIN.SQL in the %ORACLE_HOME%PLUS33 directory.add the following line:DEFINE_EDITOR=<path and name of the editor of your choice>next time y

edit the file GLOGIN.SQL in the %ORACLE_HOME%PLUS33 directory.

add the following line:

DEFINE_EDITOR=<path and name of the editor of your choice>
  next time you start SQL*Plus, this will be your default editor.
  DEFINE_EDITOR= D:Program FilesUltraEditUEDIT32.EXE
  ---> It's Wrong
  DEFINE_EDITOR="D:Program FilesUltraEditUEDIT32.EXE"
  ---> It's Right

Tags:SQL PLUS UltraEdit

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