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Qt for Symbian 入门之环境搭建

 2010-05-31 20:18:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:when making the above change. The above change will work both in the emulator as well as in hardware where the path inside the SDK is $EPOCROOTwinscwcsystemdata
when making the above change. The above change will work both in the emulator as well as in hardware where the path inside the SDK is $EPOCROOTwinscwcsystemdata.

Q: Installing Qt on N78 with firmware PR 1.0 fails. How can I work around it?

A: Please upgrade device’s firmware to a newer release.

Q: When installing “qt_installer.sis” or “qt_demos.sis” it fails with error “-16”. How can I work around it?

A: Try installing it again. If that fails, try installing the Open C packages + “qt.sis” + “qtwebkit.sis” one by one.




如果需要Nokia S60系列手机上运行Qt程序,那么需要先有Qt的运行库,因为商店卖给你手机的时候并没有安装Qt库(也许以后的版本会装上,但是谁知道以后有多后呢),所以需要你自己去安装。当然Qt库还会依赖于其它几个C和C++的库,分别是pips/openc_ssl/stdcpp。如果是4.5.2,基础库下载地址可以是pips_s60_1_5_5b.sis openc_ssl_s60_1_5_5b.sis stdcpp_s60_1_5_5b.sis 。Qt库和演示程序的下载则在 http://pepper.troll.no/s60prereleases/demos/ 目录下。安装完后就可以在你的手机上体验Qt应用了。

如果想测试你自己编写的Qt-4.6.0-beta程序,则需要Qt-4.6.0以上的库文件,我在安装自己应用的时候提示要Qt 4.0.6以上版本,不会是bug吧,呵呵。上上下下翻了几遍http://pepper.troll.no/s60prereleases里的文章,也没找到下载Qt-4.6.0-beta库的地方。只好自己动手丰衣足食。如果你已经安装了Qt for Symbian 4.6.0-beta的SDK后,那么在安装目录下C:Qt4.6.0-beta可以看到两个.sis文件fluidlauncher.sis和 qt.sis,你需要安装它们。同样Qt的依赖库也可以在安装目录下找到,地址分别为

< EPOCROOT >nokia_pluginopencs60opencsispips_s60_< version >.sis

< EPOCROOT >nokia_pluginopencs60opencsisopenc_ssl_s60_< version> .sis

< EPOCROOT >nokia_pluginopencpps60opencppsisstdcpp_s60_< version >.sis

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