Qt for Symbian 入门之环境搭建
2010-05-31 20:18:00 来源:WEB开发网 銆�鍑忓皬瀛椾綋澧炲ぇ瀛椾綋銆� 鍏虫敞榫欐尟鍗囩殑寰崥When loading plugins with QPluginLoader, do not give the plugin dll itself as a target, use the stub file instead, although for convenience you can use either “.dll” or “.qtplugin” as the suffix. E.g. if you have the plugin stub named as “c:/foo/bar.qtplugin”, and the actual plugin as is located at “c:/sys/bin/bar.dll”, you can use either QPluginLoader(“c:/foo/bar.dll”) or QPluginLoader(“c:/foo/bar.qtplugin”) to load the plugin. So basically you can treat the stub as you would the actual plugin on other platforms.
Q: Qt applications get an additional white window with a black cursor. How can I fix this?
A: This is a result of having the ‘stdioserver’ package installed. This application is a server process that redirects STDIN and STDOUT to a console window by default. This behavior can be be changed by modifying the configure file located at “C:systemdataconfig.ini”. The relevant change involves editing the [STDIO] section and changing STDIN and STDOUT to be:
MEDIA1 and MEDIA4 should be of the type ‘file’ and should have a path pointing to “in.txt” or “out.txt” respectively and located in the same directory as “config.ini”. You must also ensure that the “in.txt” file actually exists