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Qt for Symbian 入门之环境搭建

 2010-05-31 20:18:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:according to installation notes.Make sure you have patched your x86 compiler by typing in command prompt:mwccsym2.exe -versionExpected output is:Version 3.2.5 b
according to installation notes.

Make sure you have patched your x86 compiler by typing in command prompt:

mwccsym2.exe -version

Expected output is:

Version 3.2.5 build 482 (Build 482)

The build number should be 482 or later.

Q: I give up. I need help from the mailing list. What should I include?

A: When sending email to feedback list please include the following information in your post:

Executable that you are trying to run.

Environment that you are working with e.g. S60 5.0 v.1.0

Call stack of the error occuring, see section the question about how to obtain call stack from carbide.

Q: How do I get call stack from Carbide 2.0?

A: First you need to import your project to carbide in order to debug it. Select file->import->Symbian OS->Symbian OS bld.inf file If you can’t find bld.inf under your project directory you first need to run bldmake bldfiles from command prompt. In order to catch all errors occuring you need to check all but c++ exceptions under x86 exceptions tab in debug configurations. When running debug Carbide will stop at the point of error occuring. From Debug View select the call stack under thread saying suspended and copy (ctrl+c) it and paste it to the email you are about to send.

Q: How do I load my plugin? I tried loading it from sysin but it fails.

A: In Qt for Symbian we had to implement plugin stubs to get around the need for AllFiles capability to access sysin and some other issues. Plugin stubs are files with the same base name as the actual plugin dll but with a “.qtplugin” suffix. They need to be in some accessible location. For private plugins this is typically the application’s private dir, but for public plugins it can be anywhere; e.g. Qt extension plugins have default public base dir “/resource/qt/plugins” (which can be queried with

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