关于在symbian listbox中添加svg图片的问题
2010-05-31 20:19:00 来源:WEB开发网/**
* Delete the selected item or items from the list box.
void CATestList2ListBox::DeleteSelectedListBoxItemsL( CEikTextListBox* aListBox )
CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel* model =
static_cast< CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel *> ( aListBox->Model() );
if ( model->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
RArray< TInt >* orderedSelectedIndices = GetSelectedListBoxItemsLC( aListBox );
if ( !orderedSelectedIndices )
// Delete selected items from bottom up so indices don't change on us
CDesCArray* itemArray = static_cast< CDesCArray* > ( model->ItemTextArray() );
TInt currentItem = 0;
for ( TInt idx = orderedSelectedIndices->Count(); idx-- > 0; )
currentItem = ( *orderedSelectedIndices )[ idx ];
itemArray->Delete ( currentItem );
// dispose the array resources
// dispose the array pointer
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( orderedSelectedIndices );
// refresh listbox's cursor now that items are deleted
aListBox, currentItem, ETrue );
// ]]] end generated function
// [[[ begin generated function: do not modify
* Get the listbox.
CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox* CATestList2ListBox::ListBox()
return iListBox;
// ]]] end generated function
// [[[ begin generated function: do not modify
* Create a list box item with the given column values.
void CATestList2ListBox::CreateListBoxItemL( TDes& aBuffer,
TInt aIconIndex,