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关于在symbian listbox中添加svg图片的问题

 2010-05-31 20:19:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:{CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );SetRect( iAvkonViewAppUi->View( TUid::Uid( EATestList2ListBoxViewId ) )->ClientRect() );// [[[ begin generated


CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );

SetRect( iAvkonViewAppUi->View( TUid::Uid( EATestList2ListBoxViewId ) )->ClientRect() );

// [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Contents]

// ]]] end generated region [Generated Contents]



* Draw container contents.


void CATestList2ListBox::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const


// [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Contents]

CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();

gc.Clear( aRect );

// ]]] end generated region [Generated Contents]


// [[[ begin generated function: do not modify


* Add a list box item to a list.


void CATestList2ListBox::AddListBoxItemL(

CEikTextListBox* aListBox,

const TDesC& aString )


CTextListBoxModel* model = aListBox->Model();//得到listbox的model

CDesCArray* itemArray = static_cast< CDesCArray* > ( model->ItemTextArray() );//得到ilistbox 的数组

itemArray->AppendL( aString );//添加本数组

aListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();//当listbox的model改变的时候 用这个功能来改变他们内在的这个状态


// ]]] end generated function

// [[[ begin generated function: do not modify


* Get the array of selected item indices, with respect to the list model.

* The array is sorted in ascending order.

* The array should be destroyed with two calls to CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(),

* the first with no argument (referring to the internal resource) and the

* second with the array pointer.

* @return newly allocated array, which is left on the cleanup stack;

* or NULL for empty list.


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