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iPhone 越狱破解原理与构造 和破解相关知识

 2010-04-09 16:01:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:越狱的含义 This is the process by which full execute and write access isobtained on all the partitions of the iPhone. It is done by patching/etc/fstab to mount the S

越狱的含义 This is the process by which full execute and write access isobtained on all the partitions of the iPhone. It is done by patching/etc/fstab to mount the System partition as read-write. This isentirely different to an unlock. Jailbreaking is the first action that must be taken before things like non-official activation, and non-official unlocking, can proceed.

The original jailbreak also included modifying the afc service(service used by iTunes to access the filesystem) to give fullfilesystem access from root. This was later updated to creating a newservice (afc2) that allows access to the full filesystem.

Modern jailbreaks also include patching the OS kernel to get around code-signing and other restrictions

iphone有着3个不同的ROM,但是都叫FLASH的,都是可以不加电压不拆出来就可以刷的!一个是类似硬盘功能的rom,一个是基带的 rom,一个是BOOTLOADER和iboot这些在一起的ROM,也就是机器的引导类似。

越狱的过程是这样:将iphone进入DFU模式,利用破解程序引导iboot,然后向内存注入某个类minilinux,将他加载在iphone 的内存中,划分一段为ramdisk,再引导这个ramdisk的/etc/fstab,将原来的系统盘加载进去,取得系统读写权限,改变整个目录的读写权限和属性(因为iphone的MAC OS就是一个UNIX),然后将自己添加的命令和功能写进系统盘中,达到破解的目的。当越狱一成功,断电重启,内存中的ramdisk也就不见了,引导权回到了硬盘里面的操作系统了,所以,越狱没什么,就是提高系统使用的权限,让你可以装些东西而已。但是越狱造成系统的不稳定,还是有可能发生的。


关于bootloader的rom,其实是擦写不了的,也无法注入什么东西,唯一的办法是改变运行的进程,类似劫持。所以,只能利用bug,没 bug的话,基本无法入手。也就无法取得基带ROM的写入权限。


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Tags:iPhone 越狱

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