Android 开发文档 程序基础 之Content providers组件
2010-06-13 15:21:00 来源:WEB开发网Content providers组件提供一系列可供其他程序使用的数据。
Content providers组件扩展了ContentProvider基类,执行一系列让其他程序取得和保存数据的方法。
ContentResolver对象可以与任何content provider对象对话。
A content provider makes a specific set of the application’s data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that’s involved.
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