开发学院手机开发Android 开发 在android中模拟键盘消息(shell命令的方法) 阅读


 2010-05-31 14:19:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:已找到解决方案[code]use: sendeventcommand format: sendeventdevice type code value[command] [device] [type] [code] [value]sendevent/dev/input/event0 1 229 1/dev/input/e


use: sendevent

command format: sendevent

device type code value

[command] [device] [type] [code] [value]


/dev/input/event0 1 229 1

/dev/input/event0 is the device to send it to

[type] 1 is unknow for me ( maybe code for physical button on device )

[code] 229 is the MENU button of the emulator

[value] 1 is keydown or press down ( for keyup or up use 0 )

i wrote a batch file for sending the event to the device like below:

adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent

/dev/input/event0 1 229 1

adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent

/dev/input/event0 1 229 0

have to use the follow command to simulate a pressing of button ( aka

pressing down then let go

Key Name CODE

MENU 229

HOME 102

BACK (back button) 158

CALL (call button) 231

END (end call button) 107

now keyboard shown on the emulator

Key Name CODE

1 2

2 3

3 4

4 5

5 6

6 7

7 8

8 9

9 10

0 11

q 16

w 17

e 18

r 19

t 20

y 21

u 22

i 23

o 24

p 25

a 30

s 31

d 32

f 33

g 34

h 35

j 36

k 37

l 38

DEL (delete key) 14

SHIFT (shift key) 42

z 44

x 45

c 46

v 47

b 48

n 49

m 50

. (period) 52

return (enter key) 28

Lt Alt (Left ALT key) 56

SYM 127

@ 215

Spc (Space key) 57

/ 53


Tags:android 模拟 键盘

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