开发学院软件教学联络聊天 RetroShare 0.5.0 发布,即时通讯工具 阅读

RetroShare 0.5.0 发布,即时通讯工具

 2010-04-08 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:RetroShare是一个即时通讯工具(聊天/IM),它是跨平台的P2P分享程序,RetroShare 0.5.0 发布,即时通讯工具,它基于网络对等层和用OenSSL对信息进行加密,目标是要 做一个安全的IM以及文件共享的P2P服务,提供了文件分享,聊天

RetroShare是一个即时通讯工具(聊天/IM),它是跨平台的P2P分享程序,它基于网络对等层和用OenSSL对信息进行加密,目标是要 做一个安全的IM以及文件共享的P2P服务,提供了文件分享,聊天,信息和频道等功能。

RetroShare 0.5.0 发布,即时通讯工具


Serverless, encrypted Chat & Filetransfer

Multiple simultaneous downloads / uploads

Search Friends



UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support

GnuPG Authentication

OpenSSL Encryption

DHT support

Plugins support

Graphical User Interface written with Qt4 toolkit

System tray integration

RetroShare 0.5.0 发布,即时通讯工具



* corrected small bug in max search determination

* Fixed translations on StatusBar display.

* added a state message for examining files.

* suppressed bug in settings

* cleaned the code and debugged the icons

* suppressed notify callback in main thread, resulting in deadlock, and explicitely askes for queued message passing for notifyError

* bug fixed for deleting selected messages

* change the timings and add some randomness for tcp connections

* corrected one nasty bug due to missing return

* added security to fd management, corrected bug causing bad fseeks

* suppressed some uninitialized memory reads

* made the key font Courier New to allow fixed-size display (makes the key much more readable)

* suppressed uninitialized memory read in file transfer, also made the TransferDialog more secure

* reset only ComboBox when close all search results

* Fixed to display Dir Count in search

* fixed to display Certificate in CryptoPage userfriendly

* restored the courier new font, to allow the user to quickly vizualize errors in the keys (and to make the display less messy)

* fixed open file, removed file action menu (already handled by the system)

* fixed the update of message icon when there is a new message

* fixed: enabled translation for Hide/Expand Button in Messages

* cleaned some debug text, suppressed a few memory leaks

* suppressed some memory leaks due to bad use of QMenu

* fixed Folder Age with min_age

* Change the status bar network display

* add the ability to copy file details text

RetroShare 0.5.0下载地址:http://down.ddvip.com/view/11807715777506.html

Tags:RetroShare 发布 即时

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