开发学院操作系统Linux/Unix NBU应用:在AIX环境下如何创建ovpass 阅读


 2007-05-18 08:12:51 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:“When communicating with SCSI-controlled robotic peripherals on an IBM RS6000 system, Media Manager utilizes a SCSI passthru driver called ovpass. ovpass

“When communicating with SCSI-controlled robotic peripherals on an IBM RS6000 system, Media Manager utilizes a SCSI passthru driver called ovpass. ovpass is not required if the only device being used is the IBM 3590 B11 tape stacker.”

上面这段话引自《NetBackup Media Manager Device Configuration Guide for UNIX, Windows, and Linux》。正确创建ovpass设备,对NBU for AIX的实施来说是非常重要的。


mkdev -c media_changer-s scsi -t ovpass -p controller -w id,lun

mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass -p controller -w scsi_id,lun


controller is the logical identifier of the drive’s SCSI adaptor, such as scsi0, scsi1 or vscsi1.

id is the SCSI ID of the robotic connection.

scsi_id is the fibre channel identifier for the N_Port address (D_ID) of the robotic connection.

lun is the logical unit number of the robotic connection.


从机械手的物理连接上说有两种方法,一种是机械手和磁带机串在一起连到SNC上面,一种是机械手直接联到SAN的交换机上面。针对这两种不同的物理连接方法,我们可以采用如下的方法创建ovpass(类似IBM 3590 B11的带库不在这次的讨论范围)。

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