Linux开发版:gNewSense2.0 Beta新版发布
2008-04-30 12:02:16 来源:WEB开发网
Brian Brazil has announced the first beta release of gNewSense 2.0, an Ubuntu-based distribution with the goal of strictly adhering to the software freedom ideals defined by Free Software Foundation: "I've just released the live CD for gNewSense 1.9, the BETA for deltah. Features since 1.1 include: now based on Ubuntu Hardy Heron; new artwork; switched from BurningDog (Firefox) to Epiphany; switched to BLAG's deblob script for the kernel; non-free GLX removed from X/mesa; Builder: use chroot for building; Builder - added support for Debian source packages. As this is a beta release, there are still things which aren't perfect. Please report any bugs you find - especially if they aren't PResent in Hardy. A 2.0 live CD is planned to be released in a day or two. It will be possible to upgrade from a 1.9 install." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: gnewsense-livecd-deltah-1.9.iso (639MB, md5, torrent).
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