2008-04-28 11:06:39 来源:WEB开发网 闁靛棴鎷�

Jonathan Riddell has announced the release of Kubuntu 8.04, an Ubuntu variant featuring the KDE desktop environment: "Rock solid Kubuntu 8.04 and cutting edge Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 remix released. Kubuntu 8.04 consists of two different releases, the commercially supported one featuring the stable KDE 3.5.9 desktop and a remix featuring the latest release of KDE 4.0. New in Kubuntu 8.04: KDE 3/4 with desktop effects, Amarok, and Kaffeine codec installation; Wubi installer for Windows; file system encryption; NTFS support and user mountable hard disks; bulletPRoof X and display configuration; Guidance Power Manager." Read the full release announcement for further details. Download: kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso (697MB, md5, torrent), kubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso (698MB, MD5, torrent), kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-i386.iso (689MB, MD5, torrent), kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso (693MB, MD5, torrent).
Next, it's the turn of Xubuntu to announce their latest release, version 8.04: "The Xubuntu developers are constantly bringing you the absolute latest and most stable software that the open source and free software communities have to offer. This is their latest result: the Xubuntu 8.04 LTS, which brings a host of Excellent new features: Xfce 4.4.2, featuring the latest round of bug fixes from the steadily-improving Xfce 4 desktop environment; Linux kernel 2.6.24; PolicyKit with fine-grained control over user permissions, PulseAudio sound server; X.Org 7.3; the settings manager; Thunar file browser, Firefox 3.0 beta 5; Brasero and Transmission..." Read the rest of the release notes for more information. Download (MD5): xubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso (544MB, torrent), xubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso (551MB, torrent).