开发学院软件开发Python 用 C 扩展 Python 和 Zope 阅读

用 C 扩展 Python 和 Zope

 2008-09-30 13:06:49 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 清单 1. 一个典型的安装文件# You can include comment lines.The *shared* directive indicates# that the following module(s) are to be compiled and linked for#

清单 1. 一个典型的安装文件

# You can include comment lines. The *shared* directive indicates
# that the following module(s) are to be compiled and linked for
# dynamic loading as opposed to static: .so on Unix, .dll on Windows.
# Then you can use the variables later using the $(variable) syntax
# that 'make' uses. This next line defines our module and tells
# Python where its source code is.
foo foomain.c


那么我们实际上该怎样写 Python 知道如何使用的代码呢,您问? foomain.c (当然,您可以随意命名它)文件包含三项内容:一个方法表,一个初始化函数和其余的代码。方法表简单地将函数名与函数联系起来,并告知 Python 各个函数所使用的参数传递机制(您可以选择使用一般的位置参数列表或位置参数和关键词参数的混合列表)。Python 在模块装入时调用初始化函数。初始化函数将完成模块所要求的所有初始化操作,但更重要的是,它还把一个指向方法表的指针传回给 Python。

那我们就来看看我们的小型 foo 模块的 C 代码。

清单 2. 一个典型的 Python 扩展模块

#include <Python.h>
/* Define the method table. */
static PyObject *foo_bar(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyMethodDef FooMethods[] = {
  {"bar", foo_bar, METH_VARARGS},
/* Here's the initialization function. We don't need to do anything
  for our own needs, but Python needs that method table. */
void initfoo()
  (void) Py_InitModule("foo", FooMethods);
/* Finally, let's do something ... involved ... as an example function. */
static PyObject *foo_bar(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  char *string;
  int  len;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &string))
    return NULL;
  len = strlen(string);
  return Py_BuildValue("i", len);

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Tags:扩展 Python Zope

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