开发学院软件开发Java ivy中文参考文档(12)-单独使用 阅读


 2009-09-22 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:1) 单独使用ivy可以非常容易的作为一个单独的程序使用。你所需要的只是一个java1.4+的运行环境(JRE)!这是如何调用它的例子:java-jarivy.jar-?它将实现类似这样的在线帮助:settingsoptions-settings<settingsfile>usegivenfileforse

1) 单独使用



java -jar ivy.jar -?


==== settings options
 -settings <settingsfile>     use given file for settings
 -cache <cachedir>            use given directory for cache
 -novalidate                  do not validate ivy files against xsd
 -m2compatible                use maven2 compatibility
==== resolve options
 -ivy <ivyfile>               use given file as ivy file
 -dependency <organisation> <module> <revision>
                              use this instead of ivy file to do the rest of the
                               work with this as a dependency.
 -confs <configurations>      resolve given configurations
==== retrieve options
 -retrieve <retrievepattern>  use given pattern as retrieve pattern
 -sync                        use sync mode for retrieve
==== cache path options
 -cachepath <cachepathfile>   outputs a classpath consisting of all dependencies
                               in cache (including transitive ones) of the given
                               ivy file to the given cachepathfile
==== deliver options
 -deliverto <ivypattern>      use given pattern as resolved ivy file pattern
==== publish options
 -publish <resolvername>      use given resolver to publish to
 -publishpattern <artpattern> use given pattern to find artifacts to publish
 -revision <revision>         use given revision to publish the module
 -status <status>             use given status to publish the module
==== http auth options
 -realm <realm>               use given realm for HTTP AUTH
 -host <host>                 use given host for HTTP AUTH
 -username <username>         use given username for HTTP AUTH
 -passwd <passwd>             use given password for HTTP AUTH
==== launcher options
 -main <main>                 the FQCN of the main class to launch
 -args <args>                 the arguments to give to the launched process
 -cp <cp>                     extra classpath to use when launching process
==== message options
 -debug                       set message level to debug
 -verbose                     set message level to verbose
 -warn                        set message level to warn
 -error                       set message level to error
==== help options
 -?                           display this help
 -deprecated                  show deprecated options

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