2007-12-23 12:36:15 来源:WEB开发网 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾剧懓顪冪€n亜顒㈡い鎰Г閹便劌顫滈崱妤€骞婄紓鍌氬€瑰銊╁箟缁嬫鍚嬮柛顐線缂冩洟姊婚崒娆戭槮婵犫偓闁秵鎯為幖娣妼缁愭鏌″搴′簽濞戞挸绉甸妵鍕冀椤愵澀娌梺缁樻尪閸庣敻寮婚敐澶婂嵆闁绘劖绁撮崑鎾诲捶椤撴稑浜炬慨妯煎亾鐎氾拷

核心提示:/*--* Cookie.java** Pass a cookie (stored in rms) between the MIDlet* and a Java servlet. The cookie is generated* by the servlet on the first visit.** Example
* Cookie.java
* Pass a cookie (stored in rms) between the MIDlet
* and a Java servlet. The cookie is generated
* by the servlet on the first visit.
* Example from the book: Core J2ME Technology
* Copyright John W. MUChow http://www.CoreJ2ME.com
* You may use/modify for any non-commercial purpose
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.*;
import javax.microedition.io.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Cookie extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
PRivate Display display;
private TextBox tbMain;
private Form fmMain;
private Command cmExit;
private Command cmLogon;
private String cookie = null;
private RecordStore rs = null;
static final String REC_STORE = "rms_cookie";
private String url = "http://www.mycgiserver.com/servlet/corej2me.CookieServlet";
public Cookie()
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
// Create commands
cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
cmLogon = new Command("Logon", Command.SCREEN, 2);
// Create the form, add commands, listen for events
fmMain = new Form("");
// Read cookie if available
// System.out.println("Client cookie: " + cookie);
public void startApp()
public void pauseApp()
{ }
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
closeRecStore(); // Close record store
public void openRecStore()
// The second parameter indicates that the record store
// should be created if it does not exist
rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(REC_STORE, true);
catch (Exception e)
db("open " + e.toString());
public void closeRecStore()
catch (Exception e)
db("close " + e.toString());
* Write cookie to rms
public void writeRecord(String str)
byte[] rec = str.getBytes();
rs.addRecord(rec, 0, rec.length);
catch (Exception e)
db("write " + e.toString());
* Read cookie from rms
public void readCookie()
byte[] recData = new byte[25];
int len;
if (rs.getNumRecords() > 0)
// Only one record will ever be written, safe to use '1'
if (rs.getRecordSize(1) > recData.length)
recData = new byte[rs.getRecordSize(1)];
len = rs.getRecord(1, recData, 0);
cookie = new String(recData);
catch (Exception e) {
db("read " + e.toString());
* Send client request and recieve server response
* Client: If cookie exists, send it to the server
* Server: If cookie is sent back, this is the
* clients first request to the server. In
* that case, save the cookie. If no cookie
* sent, display server body (which indicates
* the last time the MIDlet contacted server).
private void connect() throws IOException
InputStream iStrm = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bStrm = null;
HttpConnection http = null;
// Create the connection
http = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url);
// Client Request
// 1) Send request method
// If you eXPerience connection/IO problems, try
// removing the comment from the following line
//http.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
// 2) Send header information
if (cookie != null)
http.setRequestProperty("cookie", cookie);
System.out.println("Client cookie: " + cookie);
// 3) Send body/data - No data for this request
// Server Response
// 1) Get status Line
if (http.getResponseCode() == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
// 2) Get header information
String tmpCookie = http.getHeaderField("set-cookie");
System.out.println("server cookie: " + tmpCookie);
// Cookie will only be sent back from server only if
// client (us) did not send a cookie in the first place.
// If a cookie is returned, we need to save it to rms
if (tmpCookie != null)
// Update the MIDlet cookie variable
cookie = tmpCookie;
fmMain.append("First visit\n");
fmMain.append("Client : " + cookie + "\n");
else // No cookie sent from server
// 3) Get data, which is the last time of access
iStrm = http.openInputStream();
int length = (int) http.getLength();
String str;
if (length != -1)
byte serverData[] = new byte[length];
str = new String(serverData);
else // Length not available...
bStrm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = iStrm.read()) != -1)
str = new String(bStrm.toByteArray());
// Append data to the form
fmMain.append("Last access:\n" + str + "\n");
// Clean up
if (iStrm != null)
if (bStrm != null)
if (http != null)
* Process events
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)
// If the Command button pressed was "Exit"
if (c == cmExit)
else if (c == cmLogon)
// Logon to the servlet
catch (Exception e)
db("connect " + e.toString());
* Simple message to console for debug/errors
* When used with Exceptions we should handle the
* error in a more appropriate manner.
private void db(String str)
System.err.println("Msg: " + str);
* CookieServlet.java
* Use a cookie to identify clients
* Example from the book: Core J2ME Technology
* Copyright John W. Muchow http://www.CoreJ2ME.com
* You may use/modify for any non-commercial purpose
//package corej2me; // Required for mycgiserver.com
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.*;
public class CookieServlet extends HttpServlet
// Pool of client ID's
private static int[] clientIDs = {123, 456, 789, 901, 225, 701};
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
// Get cookie from the header
Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();
// If cookie passed in...
// 1) Lookup the client ID in the database
// and save the last access date
// 2) Update the last access date in database
// 3) Return to the client date from step 1
if (cookies != null)
// There will be only one cookie
Cookie theCookie = cookies[0];
String id = theCookie.getValue();
// Lookup client ID and get last access date
String strLastAccess = lookupLastAccessDate(Integer.parseInt(id));
// Update database with current date
// Send back the last access date to the client
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
else // No Cookie
// Generate a client ID. To keep the database
// from growing out of control, this will not
// generate a new ID for each client.
// Instead, grab a random ID from the array
// clientID's[]. The end result is the same
// as far as the client is concerned.
// Random value between 0 and the number of
// entries in the client list array
int random = (int) Math.round(clientIDs.length * Math.random());
// Get the client ID to send in the cookie
int ID = clientIDs[random];
// Update database with current date
// Create new cookie and send ID in the header
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("ID", Integer.toString(ID));
* Update database with last access date for client ID
private void updateLastAccessDate(int ID)
Connection con = null;
Statement st = null;
StringBuffer msgb = new StringBuffer("");
// These will vary depending on your server/database
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:acctInfo");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
// Create a date format
SimpleDateFormat format =
new SimpleDateFormat ("MMM dd-hh:mm aa");
String strDate = format.format(new java.util.Date());
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("UPDATE clientInfo set lastAccess = '" +
strDate + "' where clientID = " + ID);
catch (Exception e)
{ }
* Lookup the client ID in database and get the
* last access date
private String lookupLastAccessDate(int id)
Connection con = null;
Statement st = null;
StringBuffer msgb = new StringBuffer("");
// These will vary depending on your server/database
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:acctInfo");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select lastAccess from clientInfo where clientID = " + id);
if (rs.next())
return rs.getString(1);
return null;
catch (Exception e)
return e.toString();
* Information about servlet
public String getServletInfo()
return "CookieServlet 1.0 - John W. Muchow - www.corej2me.com";