开发学院软件开发Java 多线程基础总结九--Mina窥探 阅读


 2010-01-22 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:一直以来的多线程的基础总结都是脱离应用的,但是要说多线程的应用就不能不说Mina,多线程基础总结九--Mina窥探,Apache Mina作为一个高性能的Java异步并发网络通讯框架,其内部的多线程的设计和实现可谓是学习多线程的良药,今天看的是与IoServiceListener有关的多线程应用, IoServiceL

一直以来的多线程的基础总结都是脱离应用的,但是要说多线程的应用就不能不说Mina。Apache Mina作为一个高性能的Java异步并发网络通讯框架,其内部的多线程的设计和实现可谓是学习多线程的良药。手上的Mina源码是svn剪下来的最新的代码,mvn转化成eclipse项目后导入mina-core的源码看看多线程的应用吧。

首先简单的介绍在org.apache.mina.core.service包里的核心接口之一:IoService。这个接口是对于服务器端接收连接和客户端发起连接这两种服务的顶层抽象,所以就有了IoAcceptor和IoConnector两个子接口的继承与隔离。很拍马屁的说,从这个小细节可以看到mina架构的精细。这种程度的接口的隔离最重要的就是对接口内抽象行为的准确划分,错误的划分接口的职责将使得后面得实现显得不合理甚至是错误。只是不知道负责抽象的设计人员是否是一次性的抽象成功,如果是只能说牛x。至于交互会话IoSession和实际的I/O操作处理器IoProcessor 以及底层处理I/O事件的IoHandle这些接口就不废话了,今天看的是与IoServiceListener有关的多线程应用。 IoServiceListener主要是用来监听IoService相关的事件,而今日主角--IoServiceListenerSupport则是用来把IoService和对应的IoServiceListener包装在一起进行管理的辅助类。先看看其源码:


public class IoServiceListenerSupport { 
  /** The {@link IoService} that this instance manages. */ 
  private final IoService service; 
  /** A list of {@link IoServiceListener}s. */ 
  private final List<IoServiceListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<IoServiceListener>(); 
  /** Tracks managed sessions. */ 
  private final ConcurrentMap<Long, IoSession> managedSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IoSession>(); 
  /** Read only version of {@link #managedSessions}. */ 
  private final Map<Long, IoSession> readOnlyManagedSessions = Collections.unmodifiableMap(managedSessions); 
  private final AtomicBoolean activated = new AtomicBoolean(); 
  /** Time this listenerSupport has been activated */ 
  private volatile long activationTime; 
  /** A counter used to store the maximum sessions we managed since the listenerSupport has been activated */ 
  private volatile int largestManagedSessionCount = 0; 
  /** A global counter to count the number of sessions managed since the start */ 
  private volatile long cumulativeManagedSessionCount = 0; 
   * Adds a new listener. 
   * @param listener The added listener 
  public void add(IoServiceListener listener) { 
    if (listener != null) { 
   * @return true if the instance is active 
  public boolean isActive() { 
    return activated.get(); 
   * Calls {@link IoServiceListener#serviceActivated(IoService)} 
   * for all registered listeners. 
  public void fireServiceActivated() { 
    if (!activated.compareAndSet(false, true)) { 
      // The instance is already active 
    activationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    // Activate all the listeners now 
    for (IoServiceListener listener : listeners) { 
      try { 
      } catch (Throwable e) { 
   * Calls {@link IoServiceListener#sessionCreated(IoSession)} for all registered listeners. 
   * @param session The session which has been created 
  public void fireSessionCreated(IoSession session) { 
    boolean firstSession = false; 
    if (session.getService() instanceof IoConnector) { 
      synchronized (managedSessions) { 
        firstSession = managedSessions.isEmpty(); 
    cumulativeManagedSessionCount ++; 

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