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开发学院软件开发Java 面向 Java 开发人员的 db4o 指南: 结构化对象和集... 阅读

面向 Java 开发人员的 db4o 指南: 结构化对象和集合

 2010-04-01 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 閵嗭拷閸戝繐鐨€涙ぞ缍�婢х偛銇囩€涙ぞ缍�閵嗭拷  閸忚櫕鏁為弶銊︿航妞嬬偟娈戝顔煎触
核心提示:在本系列文章中,我使用 Person 类型来演示 db4o 的所有基本原理,面向 Java 开发人员的 db4o 指南: 结构化对象和集合,您已经学会了如何创建完整的 Person 对象图,以细粒度方式(使用 db4o 本身的查询功能来限制返回的实际对象图)对其进行检索,您将会看到,这也使查询特定类型的对象变得更加容易

在本系列文章中,我使用 Person 类型来演示 db4o 的所有基本原理。您已经学会了如何创建完整的 Person 对象图,以细粒度方式(使用 db4o 本身的查询功能来限制返回的实际对象图)对其进行检索,以及更新和删除全部的对象图(设定一些限制条件)等等。实际上,在面向对象的所有特性中,我们只漏掉了其中一个,那就是继承。

我将演示的这个例子的最终目标是一个用于存储雇员数据的数据管理系统,我一直致力于开发我的 Person 类型。我需要这样一个系统:存储某个公司的员工及其配偶和子女的信息,但是此时他们仅仅是该系统的 Person(或者,可以说 Employees 是一个 Person,但是 Persons 不是一个 Employee)。而且,我不希望 Employee 的行为属于 Person API 的一部分。从对象建模程序的角度公平地讲,按照 is-a 模拟类型的能力就是面向对象的本质。

我会用 Person 类型中的一个字段来模拟雇佣 的概念。这是一种关系方法,而且不太适合用于对象设计。幸运的是,与大多数 OODBMS 系统一样,db4o 系统对继承有一个完整的理解。在存储系统的核心使用继承可以轻松地 “重构” 现有系统,可以在设计系统时更多地使用继承,而不会使查询工具变得复杂。您将会看到,这也使查询特定类型的对象变得更加容易。

高度改进的 Person

清单 1 回顾了 Person 类型,该类型在本系列文章中一直作为示例使用:

清单 1. 改进之前的示例……

package com.tedneward.model; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Iterator; 
public class Person 
  public Person() 
  { } 
  public Person(String firstName, String lastName, Gender gender, int age, Mood mood) 
    this.firstName = firstName; 
    this.lastName = lastName; 
    this.gender = gender; 
    this.age = age; 
    this.mood = mood; 
  public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } 
  public void setFirstName(String value) { firstName = value; } 
  public String getLastName() { return lastName; } 
  public void setLastName(String value) { lastName = value; } 
  public Gender getGender() { return gender; } 
  public int getAge() { return age; } 
  public void setAge(int value) { age = value; } 
  public Mood getMood() { return mood; } 
  public void setMood(Mood value) { mood = value; } 
  public Person getSpouse() { return spouse; } 
  public void setSpouse(Person value) { 
    // A few business rules 
    if (spouse != null) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already married!"); 
    if (value.getSpouse() != null && value.getSpouse() != this) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already married!"); 
    spouse = value; 
    // Highly sexist business rule 
    if (gender == Gender.FEMALE) 
    // Make marriage reflexive, if it's not already set that way 
    if (value.getSpouse() != this) 
  public Address getHomeAddress() { return addresses[0]; } 
  public void setHomeAddress(Address value) { addresses[0] = value; } 
  public Address getWorkAddress() { return addresses[1]; } 
  public void setWorkAddress(Address value) { addresses[1] = value; } 
  public Address getVacationAddress() { return addresses[2]; } 
  public void setVacationAddress(Address value) { addresses[2] = value; } 
  public Iterator<Person> getChildren() { return children.iterator(); } 
  public Person haveBaby(String name, Gender gender) { 
    // Business rule 
    if (this.gender.equals(Gender.MALE)) 
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Biological impossibility!"); 
    // Another highly objectionable business rule 
    if (getSpouse() == null) 
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Ethical impossibility!"); 
    // Welcome to the world, little one! 
    Person child = new Person(name, this.lastName, gender, 0, Mood.CRANKY); 
      // Well, wouldn't YOU be cranky if you'd just been pushed out of 
      // a nice warm place?!? 
    // These are your parents...       
    child.father = this.getSpouse(); 
    child.mother = this; 
    // ... and you're their new baby. 
    // (Everybody say "Awwww....") 
    return child; 
  public Person getFather() { return this.father; } 
  public Person getMother() { return this.mother; } 
  public String toString() 
      "[Person: " + 
      "firstName = " + firstName + " " + 
      "lastName = " + lastName + " " + 
      "gender = " + gender + " " + 
      "age = " + age + " " + 
      "mood = " + mood + " " + 
      (spouse != null ? "spouse = " + spouse.getFirstName() + " " : "") + 
  public boolean equals(Object rhs) 
    if (rhs == this) 
      return true; 
    if (!(rhs instanceof Person)) 
      return false; 
    Person other = (Person)rhs; 
    return (this.firstName.equals(other.firstName) && 
        this.lastName.equals(other.lastName) && 
        this.gender.equals(other.gender) && 
        this.age == other.age); 
  private String firstName; 
  private String lastName; 
  private Gender gender; 
  private int age; 
  private Mood mood; 
  private Person spouse; 
  private Address[] addresses = new Address[3]; 
  private List<Person> children = new ArrayList<Person>(); 
  private Person mother; 
  private Person father; 

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