开发学院软件开发Delphi 如何将C/C++程序转译成Delphi(九) 阅读


 2006-02-04 13:31:48 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:Case Integer of starts the variant part of the record. Each variant is identified by an ordinal value. This value has no meaning when the type is being used, bu

Case Integer of starts the variant part of the record. Each variant is identified by an ordinal value. This value has no meaning when the type is being used, but is required for declaration.

Please note the difference between a variant (case-) record and a record without case-declaration.

The following translation is wrong:

type  PPRocessHeapEntry = ^TProcessHeapEntry;  TProcessHeapEntry = Record    lpData: Pointer;    cbData: DWord;    cbOverhead: Byte;    iRegionIndex: Byte;    wFlags: Word;    Block: Record       hMem: Thandle       Reserved : Array [0..2] of DWord;    end;    Region: Record      dwCommittedSize: DWord;      dwUnCommittedSize: DWord;      lpFirstBlock: Pointer;      lpLastBlock: Pointer    end);  end;

This wrong translation would cause Block and Region to be consecutive in memory, and not overlaid, as follows:

LpData, cbData, cbOverhead, iRegionIndex, wFlags HMem, dwReserved DwCommittedSize, dwUnCommittedSize, lpFirstBlock, lplastBlock

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