2012-06-05 14:11:13 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:/* * This is a small program to recover the binary tree with pre_order and in_order,the * pre_order and in_order are stored by array and the recovered binar
/* * This is a small program to recover the binary tree with pre_order and in_order,the * pre_order and in_order are stored by array and the recovered binary tree is stored * in linked type. * n.comoon * * Apr.16th.2012 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define ORDER_SIZE 50 /* * global values that are used to record the info in recurssion * 'pre_flag' is the cursor of array 'pre_order' in 'creating_order' * 'new_flag' is the cursor of array 'new_order' in 'creating_order'(new_order is the input sequence for creating linked binary tree) * 'flag' is the cursor of array 'new_order' in 'create_tree' */ int pre_flag=0,new_flag=0,flag=0; typedef struct binary_tree { char ch; struct binary_tree * left; struct binary_tree * right; }binary_tree; void get_orders(char * pre_order,char * in_order) { printf("please input the pre_order of the binary tree!\n"); scanf("%s",pre_order); printf("please input the in_order of the binary tree!\n"); scanf("%s",in_order); } void creating_order(char * pre_order,char * in_order,char * new_order,int in_left,int in_right) { int i; for(i=0;i<strlen(in_order);i++) { /* * find the current node pointed by 'pre_flag' in in_order */ if(pre_order[pre_flag]==in_order[i]) { break; } } new_order[new_flag]=pre_order[pre_flag]; new_flag++; pre_flag++; if(i==in_left && i==in_right) { /* * if the current node has no left child and right child */ new_order[new_flag]='#'; new_flag++; new_order[new_flag]='#'; new_flag++; return; } if(i==in_left) { /* * if the current node has no left child */ new_order[new_flag]='#'; new_flag++; creating_order(pre_order,in_order,new_order,i+1,in_right); } else if(i==in_right) { /* * if the current node has no right child */ creating_order(pre_order,in_order,new_order,in_left,i-1); new_order[new_flag]='#'; new_flag++; } else { /* * if the current node has both left child and right child */ creating_order(pre_order,in_order,new_order,in_left,i-1); creating_order(pre_order,in_order,new_order,i+1,in_right); } } binary_tree * create_tree(char * new_order) { binary_tree * tmp_tree; if(new_order[flag]=='#') { tmp_tree=NULL; flag++; } else { tmp_tree=(binary_tree *)malloc(sizeof(binary_tree)); tmp_tree->ch=new_order[flag]; flag++; tmp_tree->left=create_tree(new_order); tmp_tree->right=create_tree(new_order); } return tmp_tree; } void print_tree(binary_tree * my_tree,int spaces) { int i; if(my_tree==NULL) { return; } print_tree(my_tree->right,spaces+1); for(i=0;i<spaces;i++) { printf(" "); } printf("%c\n",my_tree->ch); print_tree(my_tree->left,spaces+1); } int main() { char pre_order[ORDER_SIZE],in_order[ORDER_SIZE],new_order[ORDER_SIZE]; binary_tree * my_tree; get_orders(pre_order,in_order); creating_order(pre_order,in_order,new_order,0,strlen(in_order)-1); my_tree=create_tree(new_order); printf("the recovery binary tree is as following!\n"); print_tree(my_tree,1); return 0; }